IB Objects for Kylix Beta 006


Porting of version 4.3Aa to Kylix 3.

Status as of October 12, 2004.

Yellow = package/class not yet implemented.
Green = alternative class available.
Red = not likely to be ported.

Package Description Status Notes
ibo40crt Core runtime OK
ibo40wrt Internet Extensions runtime OK
ibo40xrt TDataset runtime OK
ibo40wxrt TDataset Internet Extensions runtime OK
ibo40trt Tools runtime OK
ibo40cdt Core design time OK
ibo40wdt Internet Extensions design time OK
ibo40adt Native Data Access design time OK
ibo40xdt TDataset design time OK
ibo40wxdt TDataset Internet Extensions design time OK
ibo40tdt Tools design time OK
ibo40vrt Native Visual Controls runtime Partial
ibo40vdt Native Visual Controls design time Partial
ibo40frt Forms & Dialogs runtime Partial
ibo40fdt Forms & Dialogs design time Partial
ibo40wsrt Websnap Extensions runtime  
ibo40wsdt Websnap Extensions design time  
ibo40edt Editors design time OK


Component / Class Status Notes
TIB_CustomLabel redesign in progress
TIB_AutoLabel A/V when used
TIB_Text Paint function not completed
TIB_Label see TIB_CustomLabel
TIB_Edit no button support.
Paint function not completed.
AutoEdit works but puts cursor at Position 1.
TIB_DateTimePicker not available in CLX.
TIB_Date see TDatePick.
TIB_Currency not tested.
TIB_Memo not tested.
TIB_RichEdit not available in CLX.
considering using TTextViewer since TRichEdit is not available.
TIB_Image not tested.
TIB_ListBox OK
TIB_ComboBox OK
TIB_CheckBox OK
TIB_RadioGroup OK
TIB_SearchPanel not tested.
TIB_SearchEdit not tested.
TIB_IncSearch not tested.
TIB_ParamEdit not tested.
TIB_LocateEdit not tested.
TIB_Grid mostly functional.
Paint method completed so coloring and font settings work.
no drag & drop.
TIB_Ledger not tested.
needs to have scroll bars coded.
TIB_ArrayGrid not tested.
TIB_CursorGrid OK
TIB_StatementGrid OK
TIB_ConnectionBar OK
TIB_TransactionBar OK
TIB_StatementBar OK
TIB_DatasetBar OK
TIB_SearchBar A/V when closing if search mode used.
TIB_NavigationBar OK
TIB_UpdateBar OK. Had to remove the Resource Saving patches as they resulted in no images being displayed.
TIB_UtilityBar partial implementation pending the finishing of IBF_* files.
TDatePick Needs to be completely redesigned for Kylix 3.
TLabelEnh not tested.
TXSpinEdit Not needed in K3. See TSpinEdit.
TIB_LookupDialog not tested.
TIB_BrowseDialog needs TIB_LookupList.
TIB_ScriptDialog not tested.
TIB_DDL_ExtractDialog OK
TIB_MetadataDialog not tested.
TIB_EventsDialog not tested.
TIB_ExportDialog OK
TIB_DataDumpDialog not tested.
TIB_DataPumpDialog not tested.
TIB_MonitorDialog OK
TIB_ProfilerDialog OK
TIB_StatusDialog OK
TIB_ActionFirst not tested.
TIB_ActionPrior not tested.
TIB_ActionNext not tested.
TIB_ActionLast not tested.
TIB_ActionOpen not tested.
TIB_ActionClose not tested.
TIB_ActionEdit not tested.
TIB_ActionReadOnly not tested.
TIB_ActionNew not tested.
TIB_ActionPost not tested.
TIB_ActionCancel not tested.
TIB_ActionDelete not tested.
TIB_ActionRefresh not tested.
TIB_ActionRefreshKeys not tested.
TIB_ActionRefreshRows not tested.
TIB_ActionAppend not tested.
TIB_ActionOrder not tested.
TIB_ActionSearch not tested.
TIB_ActionCount not tested.
TIB_ActionStart not tested.
TIB_ActionCommitRetaining not tested.
TIB_ActionRollbackRetaining not tested.
TIB_ActionCommit not tested.
TIB_ActionRollback not tested.
IBD_CancelQuery OK
IBD_Error OK
IBD_Login OK
IBD_Ordering OK
IBD_Restructure not tested.
IBD_About OK
IBD_CreateOrdering not tested.
IBD_Credits OK
IBD_IBMemoEdit not tested.
IBD_Loading not tested.
IBD_MemoEdit not tested.
IBF_Base makes a fair bit of use of TRegIniFile.
This is all commented out pending a Linux based solution.
Some parts are forced on Linux such as Reading/Writing of component settings.
IBF_Browse  needs TIB_LookupList.
IBF_DataDump not tested.
IBF_DataPump not fully tested.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
IBF_DDL_Extract OK.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
IBF_Events not tested.
IBF_Export OK.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
IBF_GenCalcFields not tested.
IBF_GenCustomSQL not tested.
IBF_Lookup not tested.
IBF_Metadata OK.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
IBF_Monitor OK.
IBF_Parameters not tested.
IBF_Profiler OK.
IBF_Query OK.
IBF_Script OK.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
IBF_SQL not tested.
Regular version using TMemo (since TRichEdit not available).
Enhanced version using SynEdit.
Find/Replace functionality not yet available.
IBF_Status OK
IBF_Users OK
IBF_WorkUnit not tested.

Testing Environments

Andrew Haines Mandrake 9.2
Kylix 3 Professional
Unofficial Kylix Patches
Firebird 1.5.1 Classic